grade Green book Pgs 12 - 18 notes and vocabulary
1. Scientific Methods - are the ways
in which scientists follow steps to answer questions and solve problems.
2. Difficult questions may become testable
3. Observations must be measured and recorded
to be of use to scientists.
4. Scientists use tools to measure, like
ruler - length,
thermometer-temperature, protractor-angles.
5. Hypothesis - is a possible
explanation or answer to a question. It is a testable idea or explanation that
leads to a scientific investigation.
6. The deformities in frogs could be caused
by chemical pollutants, parasites, or UV ultraviolet light.
7. These 3 causes of deformities can be the
variable parameters in an experiment.
8. Predictions are If, then statements that can be tested for cause and effect.
Ex. If the UV light causes deformities, then exposure to more UV light will
cause more deformities.
9. If the tests results don't match your
predictions then you may have to reform your hypothesis.
10. Controlled experiment - an
experiment that tests only one factor at a time by comparing a control group to
an experimental group.
11. variable - a factor that changes
in an experiment in order to test a hypothesis. Ex. the variable can be the
length of time that the frog egg is exposed to UV light.
12. All other factors such as temperature of
the water are kept constant in the control group of eggs.
13. control = 0 days exposure to UV light
experiment 1 = 15 days UV light (variant 1)
experiment 2 = 24 days UV light (variant 2)
14. Data = measurements or counts collected
from the experiment and compared to the control.
15. The data can be graphed and showed as
16. Analyze the data in the results graph to
make your conclusion. (24 days of UV exposure showed 47 frogs with deformities)
17. Conclusion: The UV light experiment
supports the hypothesis that the deformities in frogs can be caused by exposure
to UV light.
18. Communicate the results so that other
scientists can repeat the experiment to obtain the same results if necessary to
prove or reinforce the hypothesis. This may lead to a theory or even a new law
of science.